
QR Code Generator That Makes All The Difference.

Monitor, share, download and generate your Qr Codes all in one place.

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Create Your Qr Code In Matter Of Minutes.


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Get your QR code in jpeg or PNG format, print it or show in digital form and Voila!

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Frequently Asked Questions


What is QR Code?

A QR code (Quick Response Code) is a type of barcode that stores information and can be read by a digital device, such as a cell phone.

Who uses QR Code?

QR Codes are used by virtually everyone. It has documents, links to pages and websites attached to it, With a QR Coode information can be stored safely for easy access.


What kind of information can I store on a QR Code?

QR Codes are so versatile, they are able to store a variety of information depending on your needs. It can store a URL to make it easier for you to open a page on the web with just a scan. It can also store contact details so you don’t have to manually type the name, phone number, and email address to save it to your phone.


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